Deanna Forry
  • Class of 2012
  • Springfield, MN

Deanna Forry of Springfield, Minn. to Perform in 'Winter's Tale' at Augustana College

2011 Apr 29

Deanna Forry of Springfield, Minn. will perform in William Shakespeare's "The Winter's Tale" at the on-campus Edith Mortenson Center Theatre at Augustana College May 4-8. Performances will be at 7:30 p.m. May 4-7, and 2:30 p.m. May 7-8.

Directed by Jayna Fitzsimmons, "The Winter's Tale" is one of Shakespeare's most intriguing romances. It's a classic tale of jealousy, love, loss and reconciliation. According to The Observer, "this tragic-comi-romance is possibly Shakespeare's most emotionally complex and breathtakingly theatrical play."

King Leontes of Sicilia is visited by his childhood friend Polixenes, King of Bohemia, but the pleasant stay turns sour after Leontes begins to suspect that his wife Hermione has committed adultery with Polixenes, and the child she carries is a bastard. Consumed with unfounded jealousy, Leontes abandons his wife and child. Sixteen years pass, and the child Perdita has been raised by a shepherd in Bohemia, unaware of her royal heritage. Polixenes' son Florizel becomes infatuated with her. The lovers face disapproval from Polixenes and run away to Sicilia, but a twist of fate leads to long-kept secrets revealed in a homecoming like never imagined.